Friday, October 3, 2008


For the past two weeks we've been putting up with the highly leveraged institutions like Merrill Lynch, AIG and Lehman Bros. as they liquidate their long positions in almost every commodity that exists. But the de-leveraging continues and now the other shoe drops. Yesterday UBS Bank, a very solid and well financed institution announced they are exiting the commoidty business, except for metals. WHAT?? Getting out? You mean quiting -- completely?? That's it Baby. UBS stated they are reducing exposure to maintain stock holders confidence. There's another way to reduce exposure to maintain confidence, and that's to reduce the overal lending portfolio. That's going to be next, but probably not announced. In fact this crisis is causing the entire economy world-wide to slow down. This may not be a depression but it's coming very close to serious deflation. We're taking the fat out of the economy. The housing sector and real estate is first and there's a lot of fat in this sector. The next could be energy, and then automotive and foodstuffs. Do you suppose somewhere along the way we could include hospitalization and medical care?

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Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States

Donald M Fedie is President and majority owner of Agri Control Co., Inc., a Sioux Falls, South Dakota based financial and management advisory firm specializing in agricultural business clients. The firm has a 35-year history of working with ag producers to solve financial challenges, systematize reporting of operations and manage the risk of pricing hogs and feed ingredients. For additional information on the firm please visit the company website at, or call 605-367-9376.